Friday, February 5, 2010


Two elderly women sitting on a park bench-

WOMAN 1- I was walking past that house only the other day and “uosho” this dog… big black one… like this “ WOOF WOOF” stared barking (laughs out loud) I died there only. My heart jumped …GURAGURA GURAGURA… (Both lady laughs).

WOMAN 2- Sometimes I feel like throwing something at the dog. Afternoon only when I want to sleep he will bark.

WOMAN 1-Bah (second lady exclaims) all her dogs…WOOF WOOF (they laugh)…all of the family is like that only… (The both of them burst out laughing.)

Elderly German lady and a shopkeeper.

Shop keeper: How much u want madam?

Lady: 3 kilos please and I want my cigarettes also, put my cigarettes in.

Shop keeper: madam woman should not smoke madam. Bad for health (he smiles)

Lady: And u men are made of gold or what?

Shop keeper: (laughs shyly)

Lady: now make it two packets of cigarettes because u said that (Laughs)

Shop keeper also laughs and put one more packet in.

Ok thankyooooooou… kiss for you, muah muah!

Shopkeepers laugh and blush.

Three women on their evening walk

HW 1 - Haina? Today when esha got home today, she said “mama today anju’s mother made rajma chawal why don’t you also make food like that. It is so yummy.

HW 2 - Aaj kal ke bache to by god, hum apne ma bap se bolte to they would have killed us by now.

HW 1- I know. And mrs Sharma ki daughter bhi bari “bretty” hai, that way… bohot bolti hai.

HW 3- how old is she “sewan”(seven)?

(recording were taken which will be uploaded by today evening… they are not very clear however, certain words can be identified.… )

1 comment:

  1. As an exercise, this is fine. But more than that, the question is: what can I get from eavesdropping that is really of use to me?
    So is there a common thread in what you have listened to?
    What is it?
    How would you use it in a narrative of your own?
    Is it worth using?
    What sort of character(s) would make use of such conversation?
