Friday, February 12, 2010

An Analysis of the Ticket by Nayantara.

Exposition: The events take place during a train journey, where many interactions take place between people of different age groups and places. The story largely focuses on the relationship between a bitter old lady and a patient young man. These characteristics are established through the many conversations and series of events that take place between them and other passengers on the train. The old lady is the dominating character out of the two, who repeatedly takes Fillipo's high tolerance and peaceful nature for granted along with constantly scruntinising him.

The rising action of the film begins when Fillipo is sent to get the old lady some coffee, here he encounters the two gentlemen who had earlier gotten into a tussle with the old lady as she refused to give them their seat. During their conversation he mentions that she was the widow of a general in the army who's funeral they were going to attend, at this point, he also mentions the fact that he was not related to the old lady in anyway and that he was just doing his community service.

The climax occurs when Fillipo finally reaches his breaking point, unable deal with her behaviour anymore. He loses his temper, picks up his bag and walks out of the cabin leaving her alone.

Falling action: Once Fillipo is gone, the fear of the station approaching fills her with panic as she frantically searches for him through the train. An important characteristic of the woman is revealed at this point, when she realises that she had lost her only support, she is overcome with insecurity and most importantly,the fear of being alone.

Denouncement: The train arrives at the platform but Fillipo is nowhere to be found, so she gets of the train with some help and sits on the platform all alone, feeling lost and confused..

1 comment:

  1. By the way: the movie is titled TICKETS.
    It is not denouncement but denouement.
