Saturday, February 27, 2010

Incomplete Draft #1 (Compilation)

Hari Shankar, 26, passed away a week back on the 27th of December. He always said and we all expected that the liver would give up before the lungs, but he died a hero in the attack on our city last week. It truly is a sad day in the history of troubleshooting.
He was a good son, brother, husband, father, friend, and a terrible cook.

“…So basically, i had maintained a file with all his pictures. Like a really really thick file you know.” Medha said, as she desperately tried to explain how big the book was, motioning her hands in the air. The light evening breeze found its way through her wavy black hair, but it never seemed to annoy her. It was always dreamy around her. The cafĂ© seemed like a photograph daubed in sepia, soft around the edges, as she sat there chatting ever so animatedly to Kanika

”Really?? How thick? How thick?? Show again!”

”... yeah, so i still have it you know. Its like one of my most precious things.” She always ignored my sarcasm. At times she wouldn’t realize it, and she’d continue. But when she’d sense it, she’d rather ignore it.

”That is So awesome. Almost unbelievable! A whole big, thick file? With his pictures.. Wow!” Its surprinsing how good I had gotten at imitating her tone. And that always pinched her.

”Listen stop it haan...” She poked me on my side. I almost jumped. Yeah, I’m ticklish. She obviously knows.

“So i still have it..” She continued, as she glanced at me, then shifted her gaze back to Kanika. Slow motion.

Born on the 5th of December 1986, he was a puny kid who liked to draw and read. But his first computer killed both with a vengeance. He was an average student and an above average geek, but a pleasant one he was.

“But where? How come you've never shown it to me?”

”Back home Kanoo. It must be somewhere. I maintained it for the longest time.”

”Awwww.. how sweet..” I don’t think I ever got tired of poking her, even if I’d get poked back for an entire lifetime. Conversations can get kinda inane, specially when you’re not in it. And then came the poke, like a sniper makes a hit.

“i wanna see! i wanna see!” Kanika’s always the shrill one. Wonder why bollywood gossip makes women toggle into hyper modes.

”You'l love it! I had every possible news cutout about his forthcoming films. Almost every picture of him ever printed! Yaadein and all I had 3-4 pages about it before it was gonna get released!”

”Accha, but why didnt he get his finger removed? i was so concerned.. so many sleepless nights you know..” I slipped that in, figuring how drawn into the conversation she was.

”Yaaaa.. because, you know, it was like.... Shutup yaa. Not funny..” And He Scores! She didn’t see that coming. But well, that didn’t even invite the ritualistic poke. She just went on.

”You know, i even had a big piece on how he learned how to drive also. !”

”Aaaaawww.. So cute!” Kanika chimed in. I felt ever shrinking, non-present. Bah humbug!

After all these years of cigarette and alcohol abuse, and much contemplation about which one would hit first, he has left the building. Finally.

Did he get some quota for that extra finger of his?” I desperately pulled that outta my seemingly dwindling and ineffective wit. And I reckon it hit them both. My boredom was duly acknowledged.

”Shutup smartass. Go get our coffees no? Pleaaase!” And I was sent off on a mission.

”Yeaaahh.. Pity I'd miss out on this incredibly interesting conversation. Save some for me.. “ Nothing like the last word.

I walked up to the counter, where our coffees were waiting. As I picked up the tray, there was a loud electric screech, and the next instant, the sound of a huge explosion that shook the entire building. The coffee cups spilled out on the tray. I dropped it and ran towards Medha. She stood there, quite shook.

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