Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obituary - Hari

Hari Shankar, passed away rather violently in his sleep last night. Like he always said and we all expected, the liver gave up before the lungs did, and the dialysis machine couldnt take it anymore. It truly is a sad day in the history of troubleshooting.
He was a good son, brother, husband, father, friend, and a terrible cook.
Born on the 5th of December 1986, he was a puny kid who liked to draw and read. But his first computer killed both with a vengeance. He was an average student and an above average geek, but a pleasant one he was.
College was experimentation, in all possible aspects. He learnt how to be socially responsible and irresponsible at the same time. He worked and got kicked out of several odd jobs, till he settled for a newspaper. College would be remembered as the time that was, and never should be.
Soon, after much debate with his computer, he decided that he'd make cartoons (Animation would be too technical, so to say). He went on to make 8 short films in the next 15 years. 3 of which have an incredibly haughty 2000 hits (and counting) and the rest crawling steadily to a 1000 hit mark on YouTube. He also worked at 2 firms, before settling for freelance jobs.
After all these years of cigarette and alcohol abuse, and much contemplation about which one would hit first, he has left the building. Finally.

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