Friday, January 29, 2010

Filled in the blanks - Hari

It was too blank. Even after the things to sleep on were laid out, right under the window and between the wall and cupboards, the walls still seemed too empty. The cupboards were an entirely different story. They were built-into the room, so there was never much scope for placement at that. The entrance stared at these cupboards. You enter, and you'd stumble on the beds and take the cupboard's support to not crash onto the floor. But storage should never be downplayed. And so the cupboards stayed, and had to stay anyway.
Then the computer had to be put somewhere. The floor isn’t quite the best placement for a system. So a writing table with a bookshelf on top of it was put right opposite the cupboards. The writing table-cum-computer shelf-cum- bookshelf stayed on the left of the entrance, and the cupboards continued to stare at the doors, and vice-versa. Then a carpet. A dusty old carpet was laid out because the mosaic was starting to look like tiny ants. But the walls were still too bland. And too green. The window didn’t help much either. A huge double window, which let in too much light. The kinda light that would brighten up a hungover morning. Brighten it in the very literal sense. Who likes to wake up early anyway. The kinda window that let the light from the lamp-posts seep in at night. So two curtains, one over the other were made to cover the monstrosity. Green curtains, much to the already incredibly bottle-green room's distress. All said and done, the walls were still too blank. Slowly, a host of movie posters appeared on the wall on the left, next to the writing table-cum-computer shelf-cum-bookshelf. From Star Wars, to being Death Proof, on the Planet Terror with a killer called Ichi. So the left was sorted. But the right felt left out soon enough. So, an old comic book that never served much purpose, was stripped, page by page. A big, old, black paint-daub of an eye was put up right on the top of the wall on the right. The seemingly interesting pages from the stripped comic book found their way to the wall, one by one, next to each other, till the right felt left out no more, and the blanks were left blank no more.

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